Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I don't care what the groung hog said!

I don't care what the ground hog saw, I want six more weeks of winter at least.

What a wild weekend we had. Great conditions, great weather, great people. It was really busy all weekend. There were such large groups. Most of the winter it has been only small groups of 2-4 at a time. Last weekend it was 8-12 at a time. It was neat.

Now it's time for my touching story. On Saturday when the cook came in at 6:30 she found the building to be quite cold but never thought anything of it. However when the grill would not heat up she knew that something was wrong. Yes we ran out of Propane. I guess the computer system that tells how many cold days there are so that fill ups can be monitored had gone south for the winter. After four calls for an emergency fill (with no reply) I finally had to call the competition. Thankfully he is my neighbour. After half a dozen more calls we finally got the Kelly's guy to call back. One hour and $1,000.00 later we had propane. So were good to go right? I don't think so. About 4:00 the well ran dry and we were out of water. Of course before you check the water level in the well you must get out 15 tools and check everything that it isn't first. Fortunately mother nature stepped in and hour or so later the well had filled up enough that we were back on track again. Good thing because we were almost out of clean dishes and glasses. Then just when you think it's all good-the toilet broke. It's a good thing that people around here keep all kinds of replacement parts on hand, because at 8:00 pm it's pretty hard to find a store open. That was just about enough drama for one day.

We had a good crowd in on Saturday night. The band even played more than an hour longer. All and all it was a great day.

Back to the real reason we are here. The groomers have been out every day. Riders in on Monday were all saying that the trails are in excellent condition. The snow on the lakes is really deep so if you are not following in tracks it's a tough go. It has snowed a little each day but not heaps. The road crossings are looking a little brown and slushy but the trails are well covered.

Here's a shout out to the ladies from Harcourt Park. Get the kids off to school and ride on over for lunch.

Well that's all the news that's fit to print. See you on the weekend if not before.

Remember to keep the rubber side down.


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