Sunday, March 04, 2012

The sledding continues to be great. We had a big storm on Friday night and Saturday. Probably six to eight inches and it is lightly snowing again this morning.

The groomers continue to do a fabulous job keeping the trail is tip top shape.

I had to go over to Angus/Alliston on Saturday and I'm off to Oshawa this morning for the day so I won't see much of the diner this weekend. It was a busy day Saturday and we are expecting another one today.

On a sad note I was told by some sledders that a rider lost control on the rail bed between Whitney and Madawaska yesterday and had to be air lifted out to Ottawa. No other details but we sure hope that he is okay.

Looking ahead weather wise for next week it is getting really cold-down to -20 at night and below zero every day. So if you are planning on riding next week no worries. The snow will be here and so will we.

I'll end now so that I can spend another 6 or 7 hours in the car again today-yea!! The bonus today is that I get to see grandkids so it's all worth it.

I will be back either Monday or Tuesday to keep reminding you that there are lots of good sledding days left. Ride safe and keep it between the trees.

Hope we see you soon.

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